Joy in Sacrifice!

Earlier, I shared that Jon will be working out of town for a week! I must shamefully admit that my immediate thought was not "Oh, no! I am going to miss him so much!", but rather, "Oh, no! He's going to blow my grocery budget!"

Last night, Jon shared that he very well may be working out of town for the duration of the grocery challenge!

I love a challenge!

I asked him if he thought he could live on $50/week. He said "Maybe". I asked "What if I send you with a loaf of bread, peanut butter and jelly, chips, a bag of apples, coffee and raman noodles? Could you supplement that for less than $50?" Now, my husband, being the wise man that he is, rarely agrees to my requests without full disclosure of my personal expectations. So he asked "Do I have to save receipts and keep track of everything?" to which I replied, "Nevermind!"

Sometimes, he suprises me. He looked at me, sighed and resigned himself to my request. "I'll do it for you!"

Actually, he does a lot "just for me". He works long, laborous days to support our family. He sacrifices time and interests to provide. He tackles my "honey-do list" when he would rather rest. He hangs out with the kids without complaint. And he does it all with joy!

He may very well "blow" my grocery challenge budget! But I'll take him over saving a few bucks any day!

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