Empty Seats, Full Heart

As Thanksgiving Day draws near, I find myself reflecting not only on those things for which I am thankful, but also on those for whom I am thankful. Holiday celebrations mean family gatherings. And I can't help but think of those who will not be joining our dinner table.

Of course, their dinner table will be a much grander affair - golden place settings, bright white linens, long time friends and family, unlimited fine wine, color and beauty beyond description and pure joy! They will be feasting with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

It is hard to believe, but this will be the ninth year without some of my beloved family members: my mother, Ruth Ann; my step-dad, Earl; and my grandfather, Floyd. And just a few years ago, my grandmother, Virginia, joined their ranks. I miss them still but will honor them for the time we shared together, the unforgettable memories. And for that, I am thankful.

Each of my family greatly influenced my life. I can still hear their voice speak to my heart some of their notorious responses, whimsical advice and lingering lessons.

"Don't make my mistakes. Learn from my mistakes and go make your
own." -Mom

"Always carry a pair of scissors." -Mom

"Well, sure you do!" -Grandpa and Grandma

Dance with the one you love! -modeled by G'ma and G'pa

"You have good tires on that car?" - Grandpa

"You turkey, you!" -Earl

When you think of your loved ones, what do you fondly recall? Add your quotes and memories in the comment box.

What's A Mom To Do?

Balancing family and work is a challenge! When I have a sick child, I feel torn between being a mom providing for my child's health and comfort and being a dependable employee assisting the educational needs of other people's children. Usually, my child wins.

Today is such a day. My amazing G has struggled with headaches for years. When she came home from school yesterday, it wasn't long before she voluntarily went to bed. We made several attempts to awaken her, but she ended up sleeping most of the night until morning. And the headache still persisted in addition to a sore throat and coughing. She ate, took some ibuprofen, and waited for it to kick in. School is not something she wants to miss. After the bus came, the headache was still going strong. Not feeling well myself, I encouraged her to stay home and rest for the day. This is my sleeping beauty, my strong, optimistic daughter, resting on the couch, but fully prepared for reading in the event that her headache diminishes.

Thankfully, my current employment permits me to take time off for sick children. I realize that is not the case for so many working moms. I am extremely thankful to have a job that I love and that allows me to be a mom first.

As far as the headaches go, G is keeping a "Headache Journal" and we have a follow up appointment with a DR. next week.