Restored Power!

It was a long three months, but the light has triumphed over the darkness and we are enjoying full power and lighting in our home once again! Here are some valuable lessons we learned from this experience.....
  • We are still better off than the pioneers! G was learning about pioneer life on the westward trail. What we learned at home was that a single or even several candles produce more shadows than light. We were thankful for our lamps, flashlights and other temporary lights that afforded us much more lighting than the pioneers enjoyed.
  • It does save energy to turn off the lights! We saw a significant drop in electricity usage over the past few months.
  • God is gracious! We had no idea just how dangerous our home was until all the wiring was replaced. We were protected from fire and loss. Ignorance is bliss and God is good!
  • We want to be in the light! "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.....I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." (John 8:12;12:46 NIV)

Lighting (or lack thereof)

Some of you have asked if our ceiling lights are working yet. The answer is yes... and no. Upon returning home Friday, we were happy to find two working lights in the kitchen and one each in the dining room and living room. Well, that is the extent of the good news. Outside of those shared living spaces, the house is pretty dimly lit. However, my resourceful hubby resolved those issues. I took a few pictures and posted one here as words cannot accurately express his ingeniousness. I think interior decorators refer to it as the "Urban-Industrial" look!

Random thoughts on laughing and singing

More and more, I find pleasure in the small things. More and more, I am discovering my love to laugh. More and more, I freely and unashamedly practice this gift of expression. Here are some of the things that recently have made me laugh.....

One of the teachers that I work with hung signs in her classroom bearing the names of various continents. One afternoon, I commented to one of the kids that I was freezing cold. She simply pointed to the sign above my head and said, "You're in Antarctica!" Well, that explains it!

The thought of my 80-something year old grandfather sending me countless forwarded e-mails each week is enough to make me chuckle. But a few weeks ago, he sent one that was actually funny. Here are a few excerpt that made me laugh....

"When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace, I took her to a gas station. And then the fight started.... "

"I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary?" It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation. "Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!" she said. So I suggested, "How about the kitchen?"
And that's when the fight started...."

And my most favorite....

"A woman was standing, looking in the bedroom mirror. She was not happy with what she saw and said to her husband, 'I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.' The husband replies, 'Your eyesight's near perfect.'
And that's when the fight started...."

Sometimes, I laugh at things I shouldn't, like a timely retort from a smart-mouthed kid. It's funny, maybe not appropriate, but funny. I can appreciate his gift of wit.

Sometimes, I laugh at things I shouldn't, like a certain child singing her heart out: off-key, off-tempo, off melody, just off. It's funny, very funny. I can appreciate her exuberance and lack of self-consciousness.

I, too, love to sing and I love to listen to others sing. I had forgotten what a gift singing is until I lost it. Acid-reflux took it's toll on my vocal chords. There was significant damage and I struggled to control my pitch. I remember sitting in church one day thinking about how God had given me this wonderful gift, my voice, but I was too self-conscious to share it with others. So I had wasted it . I sat humbled and praying that God would give me another chance at using the gift He gave me for His purpose. I believe God healed my vocal chords. My voice has been restored and He makes me laugh, and sing, with joy.

Laughing is a gift. Singing is a gift. And Christ is the greatest gift of all.

A Whirl of Activity

For my many, faithful blog followers (he-he), here are some highlights since my last entry: A turned 6; G and I were out shopping at 4 am on Black Friday and snagged some great deals; our home wiring went bad beyond repair; we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior with many friends and family members; Jon returned to work; we said "See you again in three years" to some very dear friends; Lisa got a (paying) job; N played basketball; the kids started music lessons; N registered for middle school; we said a tearful good-bye to our wonderful golden retriever and we are anxiously awaiting rewiring to be completed on our home! Whew! The past few months have been a whirl of activity and events. And, through it all, we can testify to God's goodness!