Restored Power!

It was a long three months, but the light has triumphed over the darkness and we are enjoying full power and lighting in our home once again! Here are some valuable lessons we learned from this experience.....
  • We are still better off than the pioneers! G was learning about pioneer life on the westward trail. What we learned at home was that a single or even several candles produce more shadows than light. We were thankful for our lamps, flashlights and other temporary lights that afforded us much more lighting than the pioneers enjoyed.
  • It does save energy to turn off the lights! We saw a significant drop in electricity usage over the past few months.
  • God is gracious! We had no idea just how dangerous our home was until all the wiring was replaced. We were protected from fire and loss. Ignorance is bliss and God is good!
  • We want to be in the light! "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.....I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." (John 8:12;12:46 NIV)

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